2024 Newsletter 1 - 15 July 2024​

Welcome to the first monthly newsletter from the team at Maths Week England. The newsletters will keep you informed of events and competitions we will be running during the week. #MWE2024 is a week-long FREE celebration of all things maths! Maths Week sets out to raise the profile of the subject whilst, at the same time, encouraging children to pursue maths by promoting a more positive and inclusive approach. FREE resources will be available for children of all ages, including daily video puzzles, daily problem solving activities and so much more.

For more information and to be part of the world’s largest maths festival click here.

Puzzle Time

To get you and your pupils in the mood here is this month’s puzzle:

Using exactly four nines, add arithmetical symbols between the nines to make each of the target numbers. You may use plus, minus, times, and divide symbols, as well as parentheses and brackets for grouping. Target numbers: 7, 9, 10, 19, 80, 81, 90, 720 Source: 100 Numerical Games by Pierre Berloquin

Time for a mathsy joke!

If you have any better ones to share please email them to us for inclusion in future newsletters. Don’t forget to include the name of your school.